Showing posts with label CloudFormation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CloudFormation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

How Biz Cloud Experts Can Help You Streamline the Deployment with AWS CloudFormation


When it comes to automating workloads to the cloud, the efforts should be all about an agile and seamless deployment process. When you use AWS CloudFormation to automate your workload deployment on the AWS Cloud, you make sure that your templates don’t become obsolescent, and in addition to it, you also save your productive time during or after the development procedure.   

Developing infrastructure as code using CloudFormation requires you to follow a set of recommended practices to make sure the workload automation goes smoothly and seamlessly. You need an advanced AWS consulting partner who can help you in modernizing your workloads on the AWS cloud.

BizCloud Experts is an advanced AWS Consulting Partner with a team of certified engineers. It utilizes a range of AWS services to help enterprises automate their workloads using CloudFormation.

What is AWS CloudFormation?

AWS CloudFormation helps enterprises to deploy key workloads on the AWS cloud impeccably. You can model and set up AWS resources and third-party applications in a secure manner. It is also described as infrastructure automation and infrastructure as a code (IaC) tool because it automates the deployment and set-up procedure of every service that runs in the AWS platform. You can use CloudFormation to automate the configuration of workloads that function on popular AWS services like EC2 and S3.

Generally, CloudFormation has 2 parts –

  • Template
  • Stacks

A template is a JavaScript Object Notation text file that is generally declarative and not scripted in nature and tells us what AWS resources are required to run an application? For example, the template will decide that the application needs EC2 instances.

Once the template is submitted to services, CloudFormation builds the running instances and creates the necessary resources in AWS accounts. These running instances are called stacks. Customers can edit or make changes in stacks after their deployment. When a stack is deleted, all related resources are deleted automatically.

Best Practices for Using CloudFormation:

Existing AWS CloudFormation Templates:

Starting with the existing templates will save your productive time and efforts if you are planning to use some of the common AWS resources for an automated deployment on the AWS cloud. It includes Lambda functions, EC2, Amazon S3, and others. 

The time of having to begin with scratch is now over—instead, we use the existing templates to rebuild the infrastructure you want. We can customize the infrastructure to meet your specific requirements whenever required. It allows the enterprises to quickly create resources in several environments in different regions seamlessly.

Creating Multiple Small Templates to Simplify the Process:

Creating small templates for each layer can simplify many things—addressing technical issues in a single AWS CloudFormation template could be challenging. You need a child template for each layer such as the application layer, web layer, and database. And we also build a parent template that simplifies the deployment of all small templates appropriately. 

Importing Existing Repositories as Sub modules:

We want you to save your time and efforts during the development process—this is why our certified engineers use repositories as sub modules to streamline the process in a secure manner. It also helps enterprises to avoid maintaining redundant resources. For example, if a business uses a GitHub repository to maintain the templates, AWS services allow them to import and deploy the repository as a sub module.

Using AWS CloudFormation Linter and Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

AWS CloudFormation Linter and integrated development environment (IDE) help us cut down the testing and development time. Linter is an open-source tool that allows the developers to detect errors in real time. It is designed to examine the AWS CloudFormation templates to check if there is any syntactical glitch. Developing templates and scripts in an integrated development environment can enhance the process and help to find formatting errors instantly. So, it helps our engineers to save on their time and efforts.


AWS CloudFormation is a foundational service that enables businesses to use AWS services to achieve growth. If you are looking for an advanced AWS consulting partner for your business,visit our website or write to us at

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